Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stanford Prison Experiment.

This experiment, I believe, did not capture it's main purpose. Which was to see how prisionment effects a person during and after released. They selected random people with no training to be guards... therefore, they acted to what THEY thought a guard should act. You can only imagine what group of college boys would do to other group if they were in control and none had any say in the matter. Needless to say, the experiment went down a bad path. It went to extreme when it came to correcting bad behavior from the prisoners.

Now the question is if I still feel that people should go to jail? And the anwser is yes. Jails are not as bad as the Standford Prison was. It's not allowed, it's against the law. In the experiment, the guards had no training. In real life, guards do. In the experiment, the prisoners did nothing wrong. In real life, prisoners commit crimes... and still aren't treated as badly as those in the experiment.

The Standford Prison Experiment did not prove anything about the effects of a person who spends time in a REAL jail, because it wasn't a real jail. However, what it did prove is that people can adapt to roles and hurt others because of the role.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Absolute truths about deviant behavior.

The truth of the matter is that, there are really no absolute truths about deviant behavior. Why? Because deviance is "in the eye of the beholder" so to speak.

 My Top Ten Absolute Truths About Deviant/Criminal Behavior
1) Abortion. If a person takes the responsibility of sex lightly that does not give them the right to be a murder. Many women waste lives each year to make their lives easier.

2) Rape. Rape is about power, not sex. A rapist uses  violence to take control over another human being. Rape is a crime, whether the person committing it is a stranger, a date, an acquaintance, or a family member.

3) Stealing. One should work for what they want and not simply grab from those around them.

4) Reckless driving. You are indangering others with your carelessness and could possibly cause death to others or even yourself.

5) Neglect of animals. Animals have feelings too and should have the right to proper care.

6) Child abuse. Children need close, supportive, relationships with parents. How a person behaves as an adult reflects back apon how he or she was raised.

7) Identity theft. In simple terms, this is taking away of one's life little by little by creating a duplicate of another human being.

8) Murder. Taking away of anothers life for no legit reason is obviously not okay.

9) Lying. Not just those little white lies... but when you get to a point where you can't control yourself... and you actually make yourself believe your own lies. Lying destroys relationships and should not be accepted.
10) Drug abuse. Not only are you hurting yourself, but you are hurting those around you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bucket List !

   “Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” - William Ross

^^^ fall in love, and get married.

^^^ swim with dolphins.

^^^ learn to surf.

^^^ ride in an airplane.

^^^ be in a food fight.

^^^ meet Channing Tatum.

^^^ milk a cow.

^^^ take an african safari.

^^^ spend new years eve in times square.
^^^ go skinny dipping in a large body of water at midnight.