Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Friday, May 27, 2011



Read the following selections.  Your group must decide who will be included in the group of survivors from a nuclear. 

While holding a neighborhood block party at your home you learn that the United States has been the victim of a wanton and deliberate nuclear attack.  You had the foresight to install in your backyard a bomb shelter that will hold an additional seven people besides your immediate family.  Because of the early hour, only ten of your guests have arrived at the barbecue.  You can save only seven of the ten people.  Remember the ones that are not selected will almost certainly die.  You must assume that your group will be the only survivors of this nuclear disaster.  It will become your responsibility to reestablish society / civilization on the planet.  If you do not choose only 7, everyone will die.

The guests include

  1. A 22 – year – old white female who is a high school dropout.
  2. A 26 – year – old Hispanic female who can no longer have children.
  3. A 31 – year – old ex – Green Beret who was court marshaled and dismissed from the U.S. Army for crimes against the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Also he pronounces that he will not go into the bomb shelter without his cache of military assault weapons.  He is also an avid supporter of the N.R.A.
  4. A 40 – year – old African – American male who is very militant.
  5. and 6 – A 33 – year – old married couple.  The wife is in need of a liver transplant and will not live longer than 3 months.  The husband refuses to abandon his wife.  You must take both or neither.  They are both qualified judges.

  1. A 41 – year – old real estate tycoon who is a cross – dresser.
  2. A 30 – year – old aspiring country western singer who is disabled.
  3. A 36 – year – old crack addict who is pregnant.
  4. A 68 – year – old revivalist / preacher.

Who does not get to come into the bunker? Why?

1. The 22 year old who is a highschool dropout. Taking in consideration that the person is a dropout, they must not take life to seriously. And they more than likely don't have much to offer to the world. The most important thing someone can have is an education... and it is the easiest thing to obtain, and if this person can't even do that... they should not be able to go into the bunker.

2. The 36 year old who is a crack addict and pregnant. This women obviously doesn't care too much about herself to get wrapped up in drugs. And if that isn't bad enough, she now expects to take care of another human being? She should not be able to go into the bunker. It's a shame that the baby must die too though.

3 The 31 year old who is an old ex. He is already unliked by authorities since he was dismissed from the U.S. Army for crimes he commited. And he also wants to make things difficult by not going into the bomb shelter unless he is allowed to take his weapons along. Therefore, he should just be left out.


    I believe that it is rare to find a true sociopath. However, I do believe that some exist. How else could anyone kill hundreds of people and not feel a thing? There is only one way that is possible... and that is for them to be completely crazy.... like a sociopath. But are they born like that? I honsetly don't think so. No one comes into this world as a child... a tiny little innocent baby... having the desire to want to kill people. Especially, people they don't even know. Life experiences shape someone into a killer. Sure, some have more potential of killing than others. Every killer has something messed up in their mind. Imagine what is missing inside of a sociopaths mind...

    Should someone be locked up just because one sees the possiblity of that person being a sociopath? Well... no. However, the person should be watched daily. So that they don't cause any harm to anyone. You never want to find out that the person truely is a sociopath when they already killed 20 people, even 1. Therefore, this person should be examed monthly and must attend classes to help whatever is protraying them as a sociopath.

    This world is a crazy place, with crazy people. People who are out of their minds. People who feel no pity. People who feel no care. People who feel no love. People who feel no feelings, what so ever.

    Mumia Abu Jamal .

    Should someone's political beliefs be held against them in a trial? Not really held against them but it does give you a sense of who the person really is. Is solitary jail time humanitarian? And should it matter if someone is on Death Row? Solitary Jail is only right for one who you know for sure, and can prove, did the crime. Otherwise, this punishment should not be used because it really does mess up someone's mind. How many appeals should someone on Death Row get? Well, I believe that it shouldn't be limited. It should be as many as it takes because what if one more could sabe an innocent life? And the major question.... Did Mumia do it? I don't believe he did it because their is so many false tesmonies that he did it - proven false. However, there are a lot of true testmonies that he didn't do it - witnesses. And plus, you can tell what Mumia is saying is coming from his heart. Therefore, I don't believe he killed the officer, just simiply in the wrong place at the wrong time.