Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Friday, May 27, 2011


I believe that it is rare to find a true sociopath. However, I do believe that some exist. How else could anyone kill hundreds of people and not feel a thing? There is only one way that is possible... and that is for them to be completely crazy.... like a sociopath. But are they born like that? I honsetly don't think so. No one comes into this world as a child... a tiny little innocent baby... having the desire to want to kill people. Especially, people they don't even know. Life experiences shape someone into a killer. Sure, some have more potential of killing than others. Every killer has something messed up in their mind. Imagine what is missing inside of a sociopaths mind...

Should someone be locked up just because one sees the possiblity of that person being a sociopath? Well... no. However, the person should be watched daily. So that they don't cause any harm to anyone. You never want to find out that the person truely is a sociopath when they already killed 20 people, even 1. Therefore, this person should be examed monthly and must attend classes to help whatever is protraying them as a sociopath.

This world is a crazy place, with crazy people. People who are out of their minds. People who feel no pity. People who feel no care. People who feel no love. People who feel no feelings, what so ever.

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