Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mumia Abu Jamal .

Should someone's political beliefs be held against them in a trial? Not really held against them but it does give you a sense of who the person really is. Is solitary jail time humanitarian? And should it matter if someone is on Death Row? Solitary Jail is only right for one who you know for sure, and can prove, did the crime. Otherwise, this punishment should not be used because it really does mess up someone's mind. How many appeals should someone on Death Row get? Well, I believe that it shouldn't be limited. It should be as many as it takes because what if one more could sabe an innocent life? And the major question.... Did Mumia do it? I don't believe he did it because their is so many false tesmonies that he did it - proven false. However, there are a lot of true testmonies that he didn't do it - witnesses. And plus, you can tell what Mumia is saying is coming from his heart. Therefore, I don't believe he killed the officer, just simiply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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