Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sometimes, you got to read inbetween the lines.

TITLE : Little Girl Gone
ARTIST: Lil Wayne, Devin The Dude, and Bun B
CAUTION: Language and Images
WHAT THIS SONG IS ABOUT: A rebellious teenager
WHAT THIS SONG IS REALLY ABOUT: A family who once had everything, but lost it all. So the parents turned to drinking and drugs, and they were doing it all in front of their daughter. The song is really about how the daughters parents unhealthy lifestyle rubbed off on her, violence, and poverty.
I PICKED THIS SONG BECAUSE: It really spoke to me. And it shows that however parents raise their children, it will affect them... one way or another.

[Lil’ Wayne]
OK I’m talkin bout a good girl gone bad,
Crooked world wrong pad, right rhyme wrong dad,
I sing this song mad but not mad enough to shoot ya,
But it just eats me up like some barbeque from Luther’s
In the morning with the roosters on the corner with the boosters
And she’s the fresh cut and they’re on her like sutures
And I wanna talk to her but her mama has to school her,
I wanna see her better she’s the weather of our future,
I don’t wanna see another hurricane baby you can kill the pain
If you just let me explain trust me I know what I’m sayin,
You will end up on the track of an oncoming train
Stuck in the passenger seat, tryna do the fast lane, dang.

Little girl somewhere out there stranded,
Can’t nobody find her and they don’t understand it,
She was raised good, can’t blame her parents,
Lost in the sauce is not the way that they planned it

[Bun B]
Well once upon a time there was a mom and a dad,
Who on the outside did everything people wished they had,
A beautiful daughter, two-story house, 2 car garage,
And a white picket fence wrapped around the front yard,
See Daddy was a doctor, and Mommy was a banker,
Mommy’s job got outsourced, so now Mommy’s a drinker,
Daddy had a malpractice suit, now he’s a snorter,
And all this shit is takin place right in front of the daugher,
She said, “Daddy, what’s wrong?” but he’s just too high,
“Mommy what we gon do?” She just get drunk and cry,
Caught in the middle of two wrongs, tryna do right,
Lookin for answers all alone in the darkest of night.
This shit ain’t tight.


[Devin The Dude]
Couldn’t even fold her own clothes yet, she chose to jet,
This shit that she would always regret,
Now she’s runnin from house to house, out and about
All hours of the night, learnin hard lessons of life,
She called home twice but, she couldn’t say
Where she was gonna lay her head the very next day,
She gave up her body and mind way before time,
Got nothin left, the girl gotta get help.


She doesn’t know what to do with herself,
Her family’s worried think she don’t even care,
She livin a rough life on a hope and a prayer
Where she’ll end up in a few years, who knows where?


Thursday, February 24, 2011


Have you ever noticed how diverse our country is? We have people from all over the world living here. Among all of us, there is many different cultures floating around. And when you get really in to depth of it... some cultures break our laws. Because of OUR culture as a whole. What is my view on it, and what should be acceptable? Well I believe that their culture should be respected but at the same time they should realize the laws in our country. They should still be able to pratice their culture to an extent. If part of their culture requires harm to a living thing... that should not be permitted. If they have a strong desire and MUST keep that part of their culture... then they should return to their homeland where they are free to pratice that part of their culture. With saying that, however, everybody should get along and live peacefully among each other. It is great to have a variety of people in one place so each and every one can learn more about other parts of the world. But still... the question arises what should be acceptable and where the line should be drawn. It is very difficult to place your finger on the exact spot. Which is why having such a diverse society living all together - with different taboos, morals, customs, folkaways, and mores is an ongoing debate on what is allowed and what is not.

The burning desire to text.

Texting? Everybody does it, but I have to admit it is most common in kids my age. We text late at night, when we are suppose to be sleeping. We text while crossing streets. We text in resturants and stores. We text in school. We even text while driving! We go crazy when we don't feel a vibration from our phone for more than a day. We could be in the company of a group of people... and every single one of us, will probably be texting someone that is not there at the time. Rude? I'd say. But yet, we all still do it. Why? We are texting addicts. Simple as that. Texting is easier than having a face to face conversation. Texting also gives us courage to say things, we wouldn't say if that person was standing right in front of us.

It has become so much of our daily lives, we don't even think twice about opening and replying to a text message in dangerous situationsn (texing and driving). It has became a habit for so many people.

And the media is pushing it all the more. Every movie now created, I bet... you will see at least one person texting in the background or in the actual main scene.

Believe it or not, there is a such thing as texting gloves. Some person came up with the great idea of creating gloves that you are able to pull back the cloth on your fingers, so that your fingers are free to reply back to a text without the hastle of trying to press the letters with covered fingers.

With texting, you are able to share every minute of your life with whom every you please. Everyone has a craving deep inside of them for gossip, and texting made that craving become so much easier to fulfill.

The texting frenzy is going on, all around the world. It is a part of life. And truth is, we'd be lost without it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some things aren't always intended.

High school. The main goal was to give kids a higher education and prepare them for college. But all the other qualities that now go along with the days in a normal high school setting never come to mind. All the drama and rumors moving around in the halls and class rooms was not intended. All the girls fighting and boys lying wasn't wanted. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to get a relationship. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to confront the person you had an agruement with the night before. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to discuss the upcoming parties. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to exchange drugs. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody talked about eachother. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody lied. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody tried to be something they weren't. This isn't how high school was suppose to be. But sadly, that is what it has become. All these quailties weren't predicted. They were unintended consequences of putting a group of peers in the same building for 8 hours a day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little something about my world and myself.

Let me fill you in on the type of girl I am. I'm the type of girl that gets scared when toast pops out of the toaster, gets excited when I hear the word ice cream.The type of girl who cries when the old people die in movies. The type of girl who can be totally herself around a ton of people. The type of girl who could never give away a stuffed animal because I'd feel bad for it.

Now let me fill you in on a little bit about my life. I'm happy 97% of the time... but today, I think I was in the 3% range. I started off by missing my bus, and that kind of thing can just throw you off so much. It's crazy. But you gotta look for something to brighten your day back up again. And that is what friends are for. And dogs. My friends can always make me laugh... even when I feel like I'll never even smile again. And my dog, I love her so much. When I come home from just a terrible day, and see her sitting at the edge of my driveway just waiting for me... and the moment she sees me, she starts to wage her tail, that just makes me feel so great. As you can see, the little things in life make my world go round.