Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some things aren't always intended.

High school. The main goal was to give kids a higher education and prepare them for college. But all the other qualities that now go along with the days in a normal high school setting never come to mind. All the drama and rumors moving around in the halls and class rooms was not intended. All the girls fighting and boys lying wasn't wanted. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to get a relationship. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to confront the person you had an agruement with the night before. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to discuss the upcoming parties. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to exchange drugs. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody talked about eachother. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody lied. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody tried to be something they weren't. This isn't how high school was suppose to be. But sadly, that is what it has become. All these quailties weren't predicted. They were unintended consequences of putting a group of peers in the same building for 8 hours a day.

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