Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Have you ever noticed how diverse our country is? We have people from all over the world living here. Among all of us, there is many different cultures floating around. And when you get really in to depth of it... some cultures break our laws. Because of OUR culture as a whole. What is my view on it, and what should be acceptable? Well I believe that their culture should be respected but at the same time they should realize the laws in our country. They should still be able to pratice their culture to an extent. If part of their culture requires harm to a living thing... that should not be permitted. If they have a strong desire and MUST keep that part of their culture... then they should return to their homeland where they are free to pratice that part of their culture. With saying that, however, everybody should get along and live peacefully among each other. It is great to have a variety of people in one place so each and every one can learn more about other parts of the world. But still... the question arises what should be acceptable and where the line should be drawn. It is very difficult to place your finger on the exact spot. Which is why having such a diverse society living all together - with different taboos, morals, customs, folkaways, and mores is an ongoing debate on what is allowed and what is not.

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