Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The burning desire to text.

Texting? Everybody does it, but I have to admit it is most common in kids my age. We text late at night, when we are suppose to be sleeping. We text while crossing streets. We text in resturants and stores. We text in school. We even text while driving! We go crazy when we don't feel a vibration from our phone for more than a day. We could be in the company of a group of people... and every single one of us, will probably be texting someone that is not there at the time. Rude? I'd say. But yet, we all still do it. Why? We are texting addicts. Simple as that. Texting is easier than having a face to face conversation. Texting also gives us courage to say things, we wouldn't say if that person was standing right in front of us.

It has become so much of our daily lives, we don't even think twice about opening and replying to a text message in dangerous situationsn (texing and driving). It has became a habit for so many people.

And the media is pushing it all the more. Every movie now created, I bet... you will see at least one person texting in the background or in the actual main scene.

Believe it or not, there is a such thing as texting gloves. Some person came up with the great idea of creating gloves that you are able to pull back the cloth on your fingers, so that your fingers are free to reply back to a text without the hastle of trying to press the letters with covered fingers.

With texting, you are able to share every minute of your life with whom every you please. Everyone has a craving deep inside of them for gossip, and texting made that craving become so much easier to fulfill.

The texting frenzy is going on, all around the world. It is a part of life. And truth is, we'd be lost without it.

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