Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change of Mindset with Poverty.

"Why help out other countries, when our own people are losing their jobs and going homeless?!" You've heard it before, right? I thought the same thing. But here's the thing... our worst homeless person in America  is considered very lucky to other countries. No matter what, we can always have access to water - main essential requirement to surivive. Other countries do not have this oppurtunity. Also, have you ever looked at the body shape of America's homeless compared to other countries? There is a major difference... MAJOR. It's sad... really, when our people can sit back and say " Why bother with those other people? ". Seriously, get a heart...

Now, tell me. Can you see the difference?


Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Feed Grandma (Social Security) .

There is a problem with this benefit. And yeah, it was bound to happen. Why? We are doing a thing known as deficit spending - spending more out than we take in. Not good.  Our government has all sorts of programs to help the needy, as it should. However, money eventually runs out. It doesn't grow on trees.
The baby boomer generation has a lot more people in it than the new generations. So it only makes perfect sense that the new generations can't possibly provide enough money for all those baby boomers.,  And on top of that, with the ecomony, people are losing their jobs and are going on early retirement. Yes, our country has got itself into a pickel. . .

Therefore, rumor has it... that if we keep going at the rate we are going right now with our money in social security, there will be none left when my generation gets to our retirement. Sure, we could cut the costs by taking away from the eldery people today. But I say, don't do that. There is a better way to fix the issue than taking away from people who really need the money to surivive. You know this welfare program? Like really know it... how people are working the system? Well yeah, it is happening. And it needs to be stopped. The government has a way of finding stuff out, when they want to. So why not find out the dirty ways of the people they are freely handing money out too?

The problem needs fixed. Now. Future generations, my generation, deserves a prosperous and sustainable Social Security program.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sex Education vs. Abstinence

What should be talked about and what should be covered up?  Some Health Teachers emphasise the risks and dangers associated with sexual activity and media promotes the idea that being sexually active makes a person more attractive and mature. This is why so many teens are so confused when it comes down to sex. Should sex ed be taught in schools? In my opinion, yes. But not until students reach their teen years... so say about 7th grade. That way, it's before the students develop any patterns... HOPEFULLY.  And I believe the key to teaching a effective sex ed class is to find out what young people already know and add to their existing knowledge and correct any misinformation they may have. Also, sexual development and reproduction should be taught - the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty and sexual reproduction as well as sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Contraception & birth control should be dicussed - what contraceptives there are, how they work, how people use them, how they decide what to use or not, and how they can be obtained. Relationships should become an open topic - what kinds of relationships there are, love and commitment, marriage and partnership and the law relating to sexual behaviour and relationships as well as the range of religious and cultural views on sex. And last but not least, the range of sources of advice and support that is available in the community and all around the world.

Regardless if teens are told about sex or not, it will most likely happen in their lives, either being pressured or actually doing it. The difference? Knowing how to protect yourself and being informed of the correct consequences of their actions.

Age matters .

Siblings. I have two of them , both older - a sister who is ten years older than me & a brother who is 15 years older than me. Big age difference right? And I just happened to be the baby of the family. Lovely. This effected me a great deal... more so with my sister because she was a girl. And I wanted to be like her. I just thought boys were yukey... so that left my brother off the hook. He didn't have to deal with me nagging at him as much. Hahaaha. Anyways, I remember a time when my sister had a few friends over. I wanted to hang out with them too. But... it didn't happen that way. I was five, they were fifteen. I even went to my mom's bathroom... put on a whole bunch of makeup to look more like them. Then I went back to my sister's room... And needless to say, they said I looked like a clown. I don't remember much more about it. But those girls... were definatly some rude bratty teenagers. (: Oh nooo... I'd never do that to my baby sister, if I had one. . . . Haa. Okay, maybe I'm lying. That's just nature though , to act that way towards younger siblings. Age can make a big difference.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Makes a Parent Negligent?

A neglected child means a child less than 18 years old whose physical, mental or emotional condition has not been taken care of by the child's parent not supplying propper food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and/or education. It is a sad situation when a child ends up with a parent who can't perform the duties they are suppose to obtain. Why? Because one way or another, the situtation effects the child. If the child is taken away from his/her parents, the child's emotional health will be effected. However, if the child stays with parents who aren't fit... it could lead to the death of the child. This is why sometimes the government has to decide when love just isn't enough. It can never be stressed enough on why it is very important to raise your child up the right way... VERY IMPORTANT.

However, with saying that, I don't believe that every child should be taken away from his or her parents when something goes wrong. That's the easiest way of taking care of the problem for the government... but it isn't so easy on the child. What do I think should be done? Well... I think the proper aid should be given to the family. For example if the child is over-weight... extremely over-weight... the child should have get a gym membership and eat healthy foods. And if there is no change in the weight... that is when the government should decide to take the child away.

Basically, the only time a child should be taken away is if that is the last option or if the child is in severe danger.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How to be a good wife...

Uh... really? That article was obviously wrote by a man. That is not how a marriage should work. The couple should treat each other with equal respect. If the man gets pampered, the woman should too. The woman should not have to work her butt off just to please her husband without getting getting anything in return. Gentlemen, do not expect this from your lovely wives, because you will NOT get it. Maybe back in the day it happened, but men, times have changed. Women actually gained a brain. Enough said.