Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Makes a Parent Negligent?

A neglected child means a child less than 18 years old whose physical, mental or emotional condition has not been taken care of by the child's parent not supplying propper food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and/or education. It is a sad situation when a child ends up with a parent who can't perform the duties they are suppose to obtain. Why? Because one way or another, the situtation effects the child. If the child is taken away from his/her parents, the child's emotional health will be effected. However, if the child stays with parents who aren't fit... it could lead to the death of the child. This is why sometimes the government has to decide when love just isn't enough. It can never be stressed enough on why it is very important to raise your child up the right way... VERY IMPORTANT.

However, with saying that, I don't believe that every child should be taken away from his or her parents when something goes wrong. That's the easiest way of taking care of the problem for the government... but it isn't so easy on the child. What do I think should be done? Well... I think the proper aid should be given to the family. For example if the child is over-weight... extremely over-weight... the child should have get a gym membership and eat healthy foods. And if there is no change in the weight... that is when the government should decide to take the child away.

Basically, the only time a child should be taken away is if that is the last option or if the child is in severe danger.

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