Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Feed Grandma (Social Security) .

There is a problem with this benefit. And yeah, it was bound to happen. Why? We are doing a thing known as deficit spending - spending more out than we take in. Not good.  Our government has all sorts of programs to help the needy, as it should. However, money eventually runs out. It doesn't grow on trees.
The baby boomer generation has a lot more people in it than the new generations. So it only makes perfect sense that the new generations can't possibly provide enough money for all those baby boomers.,  And on top of that, with the ecomony, people are losing their jobs and are going on early retirement. Yes, our country has got itself into a pickel. . .

Therefore, rumor has it... that if we keep going at the rate we are going right now with our money in social security, there will be none left when my generation gets to our retirement. Sure, we could cut the costs by taking away from the eldery people today. But I say, don't do that. There is a better way to fix the issue than taking away from people who really need the money to surivive. You know this welfare program? Like really know it... how people are working the system? Well yeah, it is happening. And it needs to be stopped. The government has a way of finding stuff out, when they want to. So why not find out the dirty ways of the people they are freely handing money out too?

The problem needs fixed. Now. Future generations, my generation, deserves a prosperous and sustainable Social Security program.

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