Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change of Mindset with Poverty.

"Why help out other countries, when our own people are losing their jobs and going homeless?!" You've heard it before, right? I thought the same thing. But here's the thing... our worst homeless person in America  is considered very lucky to other countries. No matter what, we can always have access to water - main essential requirement to surivive. Other countries do not have this oppurtunity. Also, have you ever looked at the body shape of America's homeless compared to other countries? There is a major difference... MAJOR. It's sad... really, when our people can sit back and say " Why bother with those other people? ". Seriously, get a heart...

Now, tell me. Can you see the difference?



  1. The Indian Government is totally Insensitive for they are blind to the needs of the people out here . How the hell can anyone on this earth get indulged into scams of Crores at the cost of poor,homeless ppl ... Insensitive India !

  2. hi this is reehan i respect ur views
