Mollee Moo and Me

Mollee Moo and Me

Friday, May 27, 2011



Read the following selections.  Your group must decide who will be included in the group of survivors from a nuclear. 

While holding a neighborhood block party at your home you learn that the United States has been the victim of a wanton and deliberate nuclear attack.  You had the foresight to install in your backyard a bomb shelter that will hold an additional seven people besides your immediate family.  Because of the early hour, only ten of your guests have arrived at the barbecue.  You can save only seven of the ten people.  Remember the ones that are not selected will almost certainly die.  You must assume that your group will be the only survivors of this nuclear disaster.  It will become your responsibility to reestablish society / civilization on the planet.  If you do not choose only 7, everyone will die.

The guests include

  1. A 22 – year – old white female who is a high school dropout.
  2. A 26 – year – old Hispanic female who can no longer have children.
  3. A 31 – year – old ex – Green Beret who was court marshaled and dismissed from the U.S. Army for crimes against the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Also he pronounces that he will not go into the bomb shelter without his cache of military assault weapons.  He is also an avid supporter of the N.R.A.
  4. A 40 – year – old African – American male who is very militant.
  5. and 6 – A 33 – year – old married couple.  The wife is in need of a liver transplant and will not live longer than 3 months.  The husband refuses to abandon his wife.  You must take both or neither.  They are both qualified judges.

  1. A 41 – year – old real estate tycoon who is a cross – dresser.
  2. A 30 – year – old aspiring country western singer who is disabled.
  3. A 36 – year – old crack addict who is pregnant.
  4. A 68 – year – old revivalist / preacher.

Who does not get to come into the bunker? Why?

1. The 22 year old who is a highschool dropout. Taking in consideration that the person is a dropout, they must not take life to seriously. And they more than likely don't have much to offer to the world. The most important thing someone can have is an education... and it is the easiest thing to obtain, and if this person can't even do that... they should not be able to go into the bunker.

2. The 36 year old who is a crack addict and pregnant. This women obviously doesn't care too much about herself to get wrapped up in drugs. And if that isn't bad enough, she now expects to take care of another human being? She should not be able to go into the bunker. It's a shame that the baby must die too though.

3 The 31 year old who is an old ex. He is already unliked by authorities since he was dismissed from the U.S. Army for crimes he commited. And he also wants to make things difficult by not going into the bomb shelter unless he is allowed to take his weapons along. Therefore, he should just be left out.


    I believe that it is rare to find a true sociopath. However, I do believe that some exist. How else could anyone kill hundreds of people and not feel a thing? There is only one way that is possible... and that is for them to be completely crazy.... like a sociopath. But are they born like that? I honsetly don't think so. No one comes into this world as a child... a tiny little innocent baby... having the desire to want to kill people. Especially, people they don't even know. Life experiences shape someone into a killer. Sure, some have more potential of killing than others. Every killer has something messed up in their mind. Imagine what is missing inside of a sociopaths mind...

    Should someone be locked up just because one sees the possiblity of that person being a sociopath? Well... no. However, the person should be watched daily. So that they don't cause any harm to anyone. You never want to find out that the person truely is a sociopath when they already killed 20 people, even 1. Therefore, this person should be examed monthly and must attend classes to help whatever is protraying them as a sociopath.

    This world is a crazy place, with crazy people. People who are out of their minds. People who feel no pity. People who feel no care. People who feel no love. People who feel no feelings, what so ever.

    Mumia Abu Jamal .

    Should someone's political beliefs be held against them in a trial? Not really held against them but it does give you a sense of who the person really is. Is solitary jail time humanitarian? And should it matter if someone is on Death Row? Solitary Jail is only right for one who you know for sure, and can prove, did the crime. Otherwise, this punishment should not be used because it really does mess up someone's mind. How many appeals should someone on Death Row get? Well, I believe that it shouldn't be limited. It should be as many as it takes because what if one more could sabe an innocent life? And the major question.... Did Mumia do it? I don't believe he did it because their is so many false tesmonies that he did it - proven false. However, there are a lot of true testmonies that he didn't do it - witnesses. And plus, you can tell what Mumia is saying is coming from his heart. Therefore, I don't believe he killed the officer, just simiply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Stanford Prison Experiment.


    This experiment, I believe, did not capture it's main purpose. Which was to see how prisionment effects a person during and after released. They selected random people with no training to be guards... therefore, they acted to what THEY thought a guard should act. You can only imagine what group of college boys would do to other group if they were in control and none had any say in the matter. Needless to say, the experiment went down a bad path. It went to extreme when it came to correcting bad behavior from the prisoners.

    Now the question is if I still feel that people should go to jail? And the anwser is yes. Jails are not as bad as the Standford Prison was. It's not allowed, it's against the law. In the experiment, the guards had no training. In real life, guards do. In the experiment, the prisoners did nothing wrong. In real life, prisoners commit crimes... and still aren't treated as badly as those in the experiment.

    The Standford Prison Experiment did not prove anything about the effects of a person who spends time in a REAL jail, because it wasn't a real jail. However, what it did prove is that people can adapt to roles and hurt others because of the role.

    Monday, April 18, 2011

    Absolute truths about deviant behavior.

    The truth of the matter is that, there are really no absolute truths about deviant behavior. Why? Because deviance is "in the eye of the beholder" so to speak.

     My Top Ten Absolute Truths About Deviant/Criminal Behavior
    1) Abortion. If a person takes the responsibility of sex lightly that does not give them the right to be a murder. Many women waste lives each year to make their lives easier.

    2) Rape. Rape is about power, not sex. A rapist uses  violence to take control over another human being. Rape is a crime, whether the person committing it is a stranger, a date, an acquaintance, or a family member.

    3) Stealing. One should work for what they want and not simply grab from those around them.

    4) Reckless driving. You are indangering others with your carelessness and could possibly cause death to others or even yourself.

    5) Neglect of animals. Animals have feelings too and should have the right to proper care.

    6) Child abuse. Children need close, supportive, relationships with parents. How a person behaves as an adult reflects back apon how he or she was raised.

    7) Identity theft. In simple terms, this is taking away of one's life little by little by creating a duplicate of another human being.

    8) Murder. Taking away of anothers life for no legit reason is obviously not okay.

    9) Lying. Not just those little white lies... but when you get to a point where you can't control yourself... and you actually make yourself believe your own lies. Lying destroys relationships and should not be accepted.
    10) Drug abuse. Not only are you hurting yourself, but you are hurting those around you.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Bucket List !

       “Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” - William Ross

    ^^^ fall in love, and get married.

    ^^^ swim with dolphins.

    ^^^ learn to surf.

    ^^^ ride in an airplane.

    ^^^ be in a food fight.

    ^^^ meet Channing Tatum.

    ^^^ milk a cow.

    ^^^ take an african safari.

    ^^^ spend new years eve in times square.
    ^^^ go skinny dipping in a large body of water at midnight. 

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Change of Mindset with Poverty.

    "Why help out other countries, when our own people are losing their jobs and going homeless?!" You've heard it before, right? I thought the same thing. But here's the thing... our worst homeless person in America  is considered very lucky to other countries. No matter what, we can always have access to water - main essential requirement to surivive. Other countries do not have this oppurtunity. Also, have you ever looked at the body shape of America's homeless compared to other countries? There is a major difference... MAJOR. It's sad... really, when our people can sit back and say " Why bother with those other people? ". Seriously, get a heart...

    Now, tell me. Can you see the difference?


    Monday, March 28, 2011

    How to Feed Grandma (Social Security) .

    There is a problem with this benefit. And yeah, it was bound to happen. Why? We are doing a thing known as deficit spending - spending more out than we take in. Not good.  Our government has all sorts of programs to help the needy, as it should. However, money eventually runs out. It doesn't grow on trees.
    The baby boomer generation has a lot more people in it than the new generations. So it only makes perfect sense that the new generations can't possibly provide enough money for all those baby boomers.,  And on top of that, with the ecomony, people are losing their jobs and are going on early retirement. Yes, our country has got itself into a pickel. . .

    Therefore, rumor has it... that if we keep going at the rate we are going right now with our money in social security, there will be none left when my generation gets to our retirement. Sure, we could cut the costs by taking away from the eldery people today. But I say, don't do that. There is a better way to fix the issue than taking away from people who really need the money to surivive. You know this welfare program? Like really know it... how people are working the system? Well yeah, it is happening. And it needs to be stopped. The government has a way of finding stuff out, when they want to. So why not find out the dirty ways of the people they are freely handing money out too?

    The problem needs fixed. Now. Future generations, my generation, deserves a prosperous and sustainable Social Security program.

    Sunday, March 27, 2011

    Sex Education vs. Abstinence

    What should be talked about and what should be covered up?  Some Health Teachers emphasise the risks and dangers associated with sexual activity and media promotes the idea that being sexually active makes a person more attractive and mature. This is why so many teens are so confused when it comes down to sex. Should sex ed be taught in schools? In my opinion, yes. But not until students reach their teen years... so say about 7th grade. That way, it's before the students develop any patterns... HOPEFULLY.  And I believe the key to teaching a effective sex ed class is to find out what young people already know and add to their existing knowledge and correct any misinformation they may have. Also, sexual development and reproduction should be taught - the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty and sexual reproduction as well as sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Contraception & birth control should be dicussed - what contraceptives there are, how they work, how people use them, how they decide what to use or not, and how they can be obtained. Relationships should become an open topic - what kinds of relationships there are, love and commitment, marriage and partnership and the law relating to sexual behaviour and relationships as well as the range of religious and cultural views on sex. And last but not least, the range of sources of advice and support that is available in the community and all around the world.

    Regardless if teens are told about sex or not, it will most likely happen in their lives, either being pressured or actually doing it. The difference? Knowing how to protect yourself and being informed of the correct consequences of their actions.

    Age matters .

    Siblings. I have two of them , both older - a sister who is ten years older than me & a brother who is 15 years older than me. Big age difference right? And I just happened to be the baby of the family. Lovely. This effected me a great deal... more so with my sister because she was a girl. And I wanted to be like her. I just thought boys were yukey... so that left my brother off the hook. He didn't have to deal with me nagging at him as much. Hahaaha. Anyways, I remember a time when my sister had a few friends over. I wanted to hang out with them too. But... it didn't happen that way. I was five, they were fifteen. I even went to my mom's bathroom... put on a whole bunch of makeup to look more like them. Then I went back to my sister's room... And needless to say, they said I looked like a clown. I don't remember much more about it. But those girls... were definatly some rude bratty teenagers. (: Oh nooo... I'd never do that to my baby sister, if I had one. . . . Haa. Okay, maybe I'm lying. That's just nature though , to act that way towards younger siblings. Age can make a big difference.

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    What Makes a Parent Negligent?

    A neglected child means a child less than 18 years old whose physical, mental or emotional condition has not been taken care of by the child's parent not supplying propper food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and/or education. It is a sad situation when a child ends up with a parent who can't perform the duties they are suppose to obtain. Why? Because one way or another, the situtation effects the child. If the child is taken away from his/her parents, the child's emotional health will be effected. However, if the child stays with parents who aren't fit... it could lead to the death of the child. This is why sometimes the government has to decide when love just isn't enough. It can never be stressed enough on why it is very important to raise your child up the right way... VERY IMPORTANT.

    However, with saying that, I don't believe that every child should be taken away from his or her parents when something goes wrong. That's the easiest way of taking care of the problem for the government... but it isn't so easy on the child. What do I think should be done? Well... I think the proper aid should be given to the family. For example if the child is over-weight... extremely over-weight... the child should have get a gym membership and eat healthy foods. And if there is no change in the weight... that is when the government should decide to take the child away.

    Basically, the only time a child should be taken away is if that is the last option or if the child is in severe danger.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    How to be a good wife...

    Uh... really? That article was obviously wrote by a man. That is not how a marriage should work. The couple should treat each other with equal respect. If the man gets pampered, the woman should too. The woman should not have to work her butt off just to please her husband without getting getting anything in return. Gentlemen, do not expect this from your lovely wives, because you will NOT get it. Maybe back in the day it happened, but men, times have changed. Women actually gained a brain. Enough said.  

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    Sometimes, you got to read inbetween the lines.

    TITLE : Little Girl Gone
    ARTIST: Lil Wayne, Devin The Dude, and Bun B
    CAUTION: Language and Images
    WHAT THIS SONG IS ABOUT: A rebellious teenager
    WHAT THIS SONG IS REALLY ABOUT: A family who once had everything, but lost it all. So the parents turned to drinking and drugs, and they were doing it all in front of their daughter. The song is really about how the daughters parents unhealthy lifestyle rubbed off on her, violence, and poverty.
    I PICKED THIS SONG BECAUSE: It really spoke to me. And it shows that however parents raise their children, it will affect them... one way or another.

    [Lil’ Wayne]
    OK I’m talkin bout a good girl gone bad,
    Crooked world wrong pad, right rhyme wrong dad,
    I sing this song mad but not mad enough to shoot ya,
    But it just eats me up like some barbeque from Luther’s
    In the morning with the roosters on the corner with the boosters
    And she’s the fresh cut and they’re on her like sutures
    And I wanna talk to her but her mama has to school her,
    I wanna see her better she’s the weather of our future,
    I don’t wanna see another hurricane baby you can kill the pain
    If you just let me explain trust me I know what I’m sayin,
    You will end up on the track of an oncoming train
    Stuck in the passenger seat, tryna do the fast lane, dang.

    Little girl somewhere out there stranded,
    Can’t nobody find her and they don’t understand it,
    She was raised good, can’t blame her parents,
    Lost in the sauce is not the way that they planned it

    [Bun B]
    Well once upon a time there was a mom and a dad,
    Who on the outside did everything people wished they had,
    A beautiful daughter, two-story house, 2 car garage,
    And a white picket fence wrapped around the front yard,
    See Daddy was a doctor, and Mommy was a banker,
    Mommy’s job got outsourced, so now Mommy’s a drinker,
    Daddy had a malpractice suit, now he’s a snorter,
    And all this shit is takin place right in front of the daugher,
    She said, “Daddy, what’s wrong?” but he’s just too high,
    “Mommy what we gon do?” She just get drunk and cry,
    Caught in the middle of two wrongs, tryna do right,
    Lookin for answers all alone in the darkest of night.
    This shit ain’t tight.


    [Devin The Dude]
    Couldn’t even fold her own clothes yet, she chose to jet,
    This shit that she would always regret,
    Now she’s runnin from house to house, out and about
    All hours of the night, learnin hard lessons of life,
    She called home twice but, she couldn’t say
    Where she was gonna lay her head the very next day,
    She gave up her body and mind way before time,
    Got nothin left, the girl gotta get help.


    She doesn’t know what to do with herself,
    Her family’s worried think she don’t even care,
    She livin a rough life on a hope and a prayer
    Where she’ll end up in a few years, who knows where?



    Thursday, February 24, 2011


    Have you ever noticed how diverse our country is? We have people from all over the world living here. Among all of us, there is many different cultures floating around. And when you get really in to depth of it... some cultures break our laws. Because of OUR culture as a whole. What is my view on it, and what should be acceptable? Well I believe that their culture should be respected but at the same time they should realize the laws in our country. They should still be able to pratice their culture to an extent. If part of their culture requires harm to a living thing... that should not be permitted. If they have a strong desire and MUST keep that part of their culture... then they should return to their homeland where they are free to pratice that part of their culture. With saying that, however, everybody should get along and live peacefully among each other. It is great to have a variety of people in one place so each and every one can learn more about other parts of the world. But still... the question arises what should be acceptable and where the line should be drawn. It is very difficult to place your finger on the exact spot. Which is why having such a diverse society living all together - with different taboos, morals, customs, folkaways, and mores is an ongoing debate on what is allowed and what is not.

    The burning desire to text.

    Texting? Everybody does it, but I have to admit it is most common in kids my age. We text late at night, when we are suppose to be sleeping. We text while crossing streets. We text in resturants and stores. We text in school. We even text while driving! We go crazy when we don't feel a vibration from our phone for more than a day. We could be in the company of a group of people... and every single one of us, will probably be texting someone that is not there at the time. Rude? I'd say. But yet, we all still do it. Why? We are texting addicts. Simple as that. Texting is easier than having a face to face conversation. Texting also gives us courage to say things, we wouldn't say if that person was standing right in front of us.

    It has become so much of our daily lives, we don't even think twice about opening and replying to a text message in dangerous situationsn (texing and driving). It has became a habit for so many people.

    And the media is pushing it all the more. Every movie now created, I bet... you will see at least one person texting in the background or in the actual main scene.

    Believe it or not, there is a such thing as texting gloves. Some person came up with the great idea of creating gloves that you are able to pull back the cloth on your fingers, so that your fingers are free to reply back to a text without the hastle of trying to press the letters with covered fingers.

    With texting, you are able to share every minute of your life with whom every you please. Everyone has a craving deep inside of them for gossip, and texting made that craving become so much easier to fulfill.

    The texting frenzy is going on, all around the world. It is a part of life. And truth is, we'd be lost without it.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Some things aren't always intended.

    High school. The main goal was to give kids a higher education and prepare them for college. But all the other qualities that now go along with the days in a normal high school setting never come to mind. All the drama and rumors moving around in the halls and class rooms was not intended. All the girls fighting and boys lying wasn't wanted. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to get a relationship. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to confront the person you had an agruement with the night before. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to discuss the upcoming parties. High school wasn't a place you were suppose to go to, to exchange drugs. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody talked about eachother. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody lied. High school wasn't suppose to be a world where everybody tried to be something they weren't. This isn't how high school was suppose to be. But sadly, that is what it has become. All these quailties weren't predicted. They were unintended consequences of putting a group of peers in the same building for 8 hours a day.

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Little something about my world and myself.

    Let me fill you in on the type of girl I am. I'm the type of girl that gets scared when toast pops out of the toaster, gets excited when I hear the word ice cream.The type of girl who cries when the old people die in movies. The type of girl who can be totally herself around a ton of people. The type of girl who could never give away a stuffed animal because I'd feel bad for it.

    Now let me fill you in on a little bit about my life. I'm happy 97% of the time... but today, I think I was in the 3% range. I started off by missing my bus, and that kind of thing can just throw you off so much. It's crazy. But you gotta look for something to brighten your day back up again. And that is what friends are for. And dogs. My friends can always make me laugh... even when I feel like I'll never even smile again. And my dog, I love her so much. When I come home from just a terrible day, and see her sitting at the edge of my driveway just waiting for me... and the moment she sees me, she starts to wage her tail, that just makes me feel so great. As you can see, the little things in life make my world go round.